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Class evolution.pack.PackableGeneImpl


public class PackableGeneImpl
extends Object
implements PackableGene
Full implementation of PackableGene based on a Code.

Variable Index

 o data
My genetic data

Constructor Index

 o PackableGeneImpl(Code)
Construct from Code
 o PackableGeneImpl(int, RandomGenerator)
Construct new random gene.

Method Index

 o mutate(float, RandomGenerator)
Mutate myself with a given probability.
 o toCode()
Convert to Code.


 o data
 protected Code data
My genetic data


 o PackableGeneImpl
 public PackableGeneImpl(int size,
                         RandomGenerator rg) throws NoRandomGeneratorException
Construct new random gene.

Throws: NoRandomGeneratorException
if the RandomGenerator is nil
 o PackableGeneImpl
 public PackableGeneImpl(Code b) throws NilException
Construct from Code

Throws: NilException
if the argument is nil


 o mutate
 public Gene mutate(float prob,
                    RandomGenerator rg) throws NoRandomGeneratorException
Mutate myself with a given probability. In this implementation, a mutation of the gene is defined as the flip of exactly one of its bits.

prob - the mutation probability
rg - the RandomGenerator to use
Throws: NoRandomGeneratorException
if rg = nil
 o toCode
 public Code toCode()
Convert to Code.

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