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Interface evolution.EvolutionListener

public interface EvolutionListener
Used by PoolImpl to inform clients about evolution progress. (Evolution is usually quite time-consuming, or is my old PowerMac so slow? No, seriously, it is very computation-intensive.)

See Also:

Method Index

 o madeProgress(int)
The genetic pool announces that it has evolved to a new generation.
 o stateChanged(int)
The genetic pool announces that it has changed its state.


 o stateChanged
 public abstract void stateChanged(int state)
The genetic pool announces that it has changed its state. The default pool implementation PoolImpl is single-threaded. Multi-threading is gently left to the client. The evolution is blocked until this method returns, hence it's a good idea to make it return quickly.

 o madeProgress
 public abstract void madeProgress(int currGen)
The genetic pool announces that it has evolved to a new generation. The default pool implementation PoolImpl is single-threaded. Multi-threading is gently left to the client. The evolution is blocked until this method returns, hence it's a good idea to make it return quickly.

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